
Arma 3 Download

What is Arma 3?

Arma 3 is the latest installment in Bohemia Interactive's award-winning tactical military shooter series for PC. Set in a massive Mediterranean sandbox of over 290 km², featuring 40+ weapons and 20+ vehicles. Arma 3 is an open world tactical shooter video game being developed by Bohemia Interactive for Microsoft Windows. Arma 3 is currently on beta and will be released on September 2013. Our site ArmaThree.blogspot.com is giving away Arma 3 free download for a limited time. You can dowload Arma 3 at this site for free. We are doing this because we want to help those players that doesn't have money to buy this game. 

Key Features

Altis & Stratis - Defeat your enemy on richly detailed battlefields – stretching over 290 km² of Mediterranean island terrain.
Weapons & Vehicles - Master a wide range of 20+ vehicles, aircraft and ships; choose your gear, pick from 40+ weapons, customize your loadout.
Solo & Multiplyer Gameplay - Be deployed in the open gameplay-driven campaign – or team up against your enemy in massive competitive and co-operative battles.
Content Creation - Design your own scenario with the powerful editor; create mods for others to play; join our creative community.
Real Virtuality 4.0 Engine - Navigate the battlefield with fluid new animations; feel the devastating power of combat with the upgraded sound engine, new ragdoll simulation and PhysX™ - supported vehicles.

How Can I Have It For Free?

You can have it for free by clicking the button "How to Download" above or simply just click here. We encluded a step by step instructions so you can download Arma 3 easily. We're giving it away for FREE. It's clean, no virus included. After you click the button "How to Download" you will be directed to its page. Follow the download instructions there. It's free for everyone! Download now. You can see the virus scan results hereIf you have any doubt, just watch the proof video and see how we downloaded it and tested it.
